An Open Letter to Strings


If I could travel back in time…

I’d go to the mornings
When Indus Music
Played Sar Kye Pahar
At 8am everyday.

To the time
My Walkman
Played Anjanay
On repeat.
To the time
When two boys
On our tv screens made our day.

Strings was never just a band.

It was a translation
Of everything we felt.

Tu Hai Kahan
For the flame
At end of the tunnel
When our spirits knelt
Beneath the weight of despair.

Hai Koi Hum Jaisa
Echoed in the streets
At every night match.
It was the chorus
Everyone at the stadium sang
When Afridi hit a six.

Kahani Muhabbat ki
For every mukhtasar heartbreak
Chaaye Chaaye for everytime
We fell in love.

Mera bichra Yaar
For every karaoke night
Planned in minutes.
For every 3am jamming session
For every long drive
For every goodbye.

Koi Anay Wala Hai
For making us see
Hope in every corner.
For making giant eagle wings
The fashion statement of the year.
For being the best comeback
Of our favourite band.

Na Janay Kyun
For being my favourite.
For making us believe
That Pakistani pop
Could rule anywhere.
For taking Spider-Man
Higher than any building could.

Strings, a metaphor
For legend
For nostalgia
For a constant
For the symphony
On the lips
Of generations.

May your energy never fade
May soul always be your essence
May you continue to entertain
MUNIK VI awaits your presence.


Between pages 11 and 13

Of Gone With The Wind

I found you stuck

Within the folded

Paper envelope I made with 12

Knees of a 14 year old

Peeked from under shorts

Checked with red and green

Bruised with purple.

I ironed the curled edges

And flattened out the creases

And wished it was always this easy

To straighten things out.